The Second Half of the Semester! #ENG2D #ICS2O

Midterm reports are being processed by the office and they should be put in the mail this week. With double-digit warm temperatures, it’s hard to believe we are at that point in the school year – and it’s even harder to believe that the Christmas Break is only just over a month away.

For the most part, students are doing well in English and Computer Studies. The most important methods for success include:

  • Ensuring that students follow success criteria and assignment instructions
  • Students ask for help if help is needed
  • Students use their time effectively, both in and out of class

Those who are following these methods are generally doing well. Those who aren’t have fallen behind – but there’s still half a semester to work hard and make improvements. I’m available to help!

Some students have not successfully met expectations for deadlines/success criteria for the Lord of the Flies Literary Essay. It’s important to meet these expectations as they will only get harder to make up as the semester moves closer to the end.

This week in ENG2D – Grade 10 English, we will continue looking at Short Stories. Last week, we read and analyzed two of my favourites. We’ll transition to writing this week as students develop character, conflict, and other narrative elements.

In ICS2O – Grade 10 Computer Science, the class will spend a few days discussing Internet and Computer Security, including viruses/malware/security threats and the history of detecting and eliminating them. With the recent major attack on websites last month, (and the supposed attack on EQAO, affecting the Grade 10 Literary Test, this topic is…topical.

I hope students are enjoying the semester as much as I’m enjoying it. It’s fun to work with the same group of students, (for the most part) for both of these classes. They’re a great group!



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