Spring! Finally! – Your Weekly Update, #ENG1D #ENG4C #NBV3E

I have flowers in my yard, the sun is shining, and my barbeque is heating up. It’s finally (legitimately) Spring in Greenstone. All but the last bits of snow have disappeared. It’s a happy time. That also means we’re nearing the end of the semester. Therefore, this week we will begin our last full units in the English classes while Aboriginal Beliefs and Values moves through two short units before beginning their course culminating project.

ENG1D Grade 9 English students will begin Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice” this week. The unit involves reading out loud in class while analyzing the characters, plot events, conflicts and themes of the play. It will be challenging for some, but interesting for others. I’m looking forward to it!


ENG4C Grade 12 English students will begin George Orwell’s classic novel 1984 this week, which is topical given all the recent news about government spying, privacy laws, and the use of technology in our lives. The novel can be difficult to navigate so we will spend time going over the vocabulary, themes, and events within the story.

NBV3E Grade 11 Aboriginal Values students will complete the course’s final two units in the next few weeks. These include a look at Aboriginal Sovereignty, followed by Identifying and Overcoming Challenges.

Once again, a friendly reminder to make sure to see me if you need assistance with any assignments. Enjoy the week!


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