Welcome Back to School!

It’s time for a new semester. I know that for some, (well, definitely me), the transition from summer vacation to school realities can be challenging. I like to think positively, so let’s just say the first day of school is also one day closer to the first day of next summer.

This semester is a little bit different for me because I’m teaching my first-ever eLearning course. I will potentially have students from the Sudbury area all the way west to the Manitoba border. I think that this is very, very cool. These Writer’s Craft students will contribute to my learning as much as I contribute to their learning.

At GCHS, I am teaching NAC2O – Grade 10 Native Studies and ALC1O – Grade 9 Visual Art this semester.

If you’re one of my students, there are two simple rules you need to follow:

  • Be Willing to Participate: This includes class discussions and activities, as well as assignments
  • Be Prepared: Be on time for class, and if for whatever reason you can’t be, then don’t disrupt the rest of us when you do come in! If you’re away, make sure you get caught up. Finally, bring any textbooks, specific lesson materials, pen/pencil/paper/binder, and anything else you need to get the job done effectively

I’m looking forward to meeting and getting to know my students. This is going to be a fun year!

Why did I post this picture? Because turtles. That’s why.

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