Welcome to the BTA3O – Information and Communication Technology: The Digital Environment Site!
About This Course:
Here is the course outline:
<a href=”http://wilsonteacher.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/BTA3O-FirstDaySheet.pdf” target=”_new”>BTA3O-FirstDaySheet</a>
Policy Documents
Curriculum Documents
Growing Success
Course Description
This course prepares students for the digital environment. Using a hands-on approach, students will further develop information and communication technology skills through the use of common business software applications.The concept and operation of e-business will be explored, and students will design and create an e-business website.The skills developed in this course will prepare students for success in the workplace and/or postsecondary studies.
Course Website
Various Program Suites (Microsoft Office, Adobe Flash, Python)
Overall Curriculum Expectations
Digital Literacy
Describe the computer workstation environment, using proper terminology;
Apply appropriate strategies when organizing and managing electronic files and folders;
Demonstrate effective use of tools and techniques of electronic research.
Productivity Software
Demonstrate the use of advanced features of word processing software to produce common business documents;
Demonstrate the ability to use advanced features of spreadsheet software to perform a variety of tasks;
Manage information, using database software;
Demonstrate the ability to use the features of a variety of design software applications to perform specific tasks.
Business Communications
Communicate using accepted business standards and formats;
Demonstrate effective use of electronic communication tools;
Create a digital portfolio illustrating their information and communication technology competencies and skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of e-business concepts and operations;
Evaluate the impact of e-business;
Design and create an e-business website for a target audience.
Information and Communication Technology Ethics and Issues
Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, social, and ethical issues related to information and communication technology;
Analyse privacy and security issues related to conducting business electronically;
Summarize health and environmental issues related to the use of information and communication technology.
Summative Assessment Tasks (70% of final grade)
Teachers may decide to evaluate by achievement chart category, or to provide a single summary indicator of academic achievement for each summative assessment task.
Final Summative Assessment Tasks and/or Culminating Activities (30% of final grade)
Learning Skills and Work Habits
Independent Work
Learning Skill Assessment Plan
Anecdotal records
Student-teacher conferences
Learning skills checklist and rubric
Self-assessment checklist
Homework checks
Task specific learning skills