Yup. It’s June. Seriously. I know, I’m as shocked, too. It’s been a really great semester but all good things come to an end. It’s time to start wrapping this up as the semester, (and the thirteen[!] days left of it). As mentioned in a previous post, most classes are working on final culminating assignments. Given the date, this means it is absolutely time to stop procrastinating. It’s time to be productive. It’s time to succeed!
AVI3O Grade 11 Art students are finalizing their culminating project. It’s worth 30% and it involves a fair amount of work. Attendance is the first key in unlocking success. Each day students are away is one less day available for studio projects. Students are expected to check the assignment’s success criteria to track their progress. See me if there are questions or issues.

ENG1D Grade 9 English students are about to complete reading The Merchant of Venice. I can confidently say that the class understands the play – and (gasp!) in some cases even appreciates it. Students have worked well with the oral communication components of this unit and we’ve had some great discussions on the aspects of Shakespeare’s work. A tabloid news article, a unit test, and a film review will wrap up the unit – and the bulk of the term work for the semester. You can find all of the assignments on the ENG1D – Assignments page!
NBV3E Grade 11 Aboriginal Beliefs & Values students completed The Rez Sisters today. As expected, the play pulled at some heartstrings, made students smile – and most importantly, shed some light on issues affecting both on and off-reserve First Nations populations. If you are reading this and have a chance to check out the play, DO IT. Seriously. It’s good. Students have one last set of review questions, (which we will endeavour to complete together) and then the remaining time this semester will be devoted to the Culminating Assignment. It’s mentioned in a post below, too.

Thank you again to students, parents, and guardians for making this semester so awesome. As excited as I am for summer, I’ll miss having fun learning with everyone every day. It’s been a total blast.