Welcome to WilsonTeacher.ca. It’s been awhile since the site has been updated. The last blog post was immediately before a global pandemic changed education – and our lives – in so many different ways. Educators have had to regularly change and adapt to different pedagogies, curriculum delivery models, and so much more. In the years immediately following the pandemic more changes were required to support the academic, well-being, and social-emotional needs of students. We also got better at leveraging technology to support needs, at using data to target specific interventions, and we have a renewed focus on reading development. On top of all that I moved from the secondary panel as Principal (Marathon High School) to a principal in the elementary panel (Margaret Twomey Public School) in March 2024. It’s been an adventure. So again… it’s been awhile since the site has been updated.
Thank you to educators and visitors who continue to use the site for resources and ideas and a huge thanks to those who reach out for permission, to engage in collaborative thinking, and to share resources. Being part of a community makes us stronger, and we need that combined strength to help us navigate some challenging times.
Originally, this site was conceived to provide students and parents with lesson materials and class information. It then evolved into a place for me to share materials with other teachers and share my thoughts on my classes. Although all of the lesson and class material is still accessible, the site now functions as a reflective blog for my journey into school leadership. I look forward to sharing my experiences, reflecting on my practice, and engaging in discussion with others!
You will also find a menu for the various sections of the website. On a mobile device, the menu may be hidden under a menu icon, while on regular devices, the menu is above. Hover over it and it will expand. Check out the different sections.
Have a great day!