All posts by wilsonteacher

Awesome Happenings in #NAC2O

I’m really excited about some excellent opportunities that are happening in my NAC2O – Grade 10 Native Studies class this semester. We are working hard as a school to provide material that is culturally authentic, interesting, and engaging, and to make it all work, we will be building some partnerships.

Our class will soon be learning the fine art of beading. I’d like to thank the Superior-Greenstone District School’s Aboriginal Liaison, Nicole Richmond, for her support.

Nicole Richmond speaks to NAC2O students about bead designs
NAC2O now has a bead collection!










The best part is that there are several students in the class who have experience beading, so we will be able to learn as a group. I’m so excited about this!

Also, we have partnered with the Thunderbird Friendship Centre, the Native Friendship Centre in Greenstone, to run the StreetWolf program. This program covers all kinds of topics and will run once a week for eight weeks. Special guests will cover important topics like cultural identity, drug and alcohol abuse, dealing with loss, resolving conflicts, and setting goals.


Many, many thanks to the wonderful staff at Thunderbird Friendship Centre for this great program.

It’s going to be a good semester!

September Ends in #NAC2O and #ALC1O

It’s been a busy first month at GCHS. It’s also been fun getting to know new students and try some new things in class. And, as they say, time flies when you’re having fun. Here we are at the end of September! A few things I’ve been focusing on so far and will continue to work on:

  • Descriptive Feedback. Students should be using the information I provide on their assignments to make improvements in their future work. This is part of a process. If work doesn’t meet expectations, students will use info I provide and the criteria for the assignment to make revisions and improve their learning. 
  • Thinking & Problem Solving. Students are encouraged to show their thinking in their responses, by explaining their choices and supporting their decisions. I’m also hoping students become more resourceful, (by searching on their own instead of asking, as an example) to expand their problem-solving capabilities. 

This week, we will put those skills to work with these activities:

NAC2O – Grade 10 Native Studies students will begin talking about lands and resources. We will talk about common FNMI values and apply our knowledge by exploring resource and land-based businesses. 

In ALC1O – Grade 9 Art, the focus this week will be two-point perspective.  
This will involve all kinds of thinking and problem-solving skills and result in some (hopefully) creative designs. 

Have a wonderful week. Remember to email me if you have any questions or feedback!

Hello! As of today, it is officially Autumn, which means that there are only three full seasons left until Summer. How awesome, (or depressing?) is that!?

Things are going well in my classes for most students. I feel like routines are being established and students are understanding, (and meeting) expectations. My goal this year is to push people a little harder to meet their potential. In some cases, this means conferencing with students. In other cases, it means having students redo their work to ensure that all success criteria is met. 

Here’s an update of our focus in class:

NAC2O – Grade 10 Native Studies students have done some work around identity and leadership. A number of assignments have been completed including some reflective writing and historical research projects. We will be moving to talk about history this week and next, as well as things that link all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people together. 

In ALV1O – Grade 9 Art, we spent some time getting acquainted with watercolours. Students creates postcards with northern Ontario images. Many students showed knowledge of techniques like washes, brush movements, and colour mixing. I will share some of the work soon. We will begin an examination of Perspective today, which will remain the focus for a little while. 

It’s important to ensure that students are keeping up-to-date with assignments. Remember, appointments to work during the Activity Period can be made. As always, please let me know if there are any questions, issues, or comments that I should know to help students find success. 

Have a great week!