All posts by wilsonteacher

The Middle of April in #AVI3O #ENG1D #NBV3E

Hello, everyone! Yes, it’s the middle of April already. In Greenstone, that means large puddles and the revealing of a winter’s worth of hidden dog waste. It also means warmer temperatures and semester two midterms. Crazy times! Midterm marks will be finalized by the end of this week so if applicable, it’s absolutely important to touch base with me regarding missing assignments. I will be available most days (or rooms will be available) at 12:05PM to get caught up – especially with art studio work. In the meantime, here’s what’s happening:

AVI3O Grade 11 Art: We have started playing with clay! There is a wide spectrum of experience among the students but those who began working with the medium got off to a great start on Friday. My hope is to put some pieces in the kiln on Monday. Here are some examples of some initial pieces, which range from those that are just fun creations to others that attempt to make a social statement. (Note that the “middle finger” piece was made with permission. I think it says a good statement, personally).


ENG1D Grade 9 English: The class has finished reading The Chrysalids and in this unit students have been introduced to critical reading, (i.e. reading for meaning), seminars, literary essays, and the importance of supporting ideas. I think most students enjoyed the novel. This week we will work on one last seminar, the culminating literary essay, and then begin transitioning towards the Poetry Unit.

NBV3E Grade 11 Aboriginal Beliefs & Values: This week we will start “The Rez Sisters” and continue talking about Residential Schools. The play is full of laughs as it explores issues of living on reserve – and wanting to leave. It talks about what “home” is all about, and deals with some very personal struggles. It’s really a great piece of writing. The study of Residential Schools, though sad, is an important part of Canadian history that demands attention.

Please note that I will be absent for Thursday afternoon and all day Friday. Have a great week!


#ENG1D Literary Essay Information

We spent some time talking about using quotes to support arguments today. This was followed with an overview of the Literary Essay. Information can be found on the ENG1D – Grade 9 English page.

Grade 9s: Here are the due dates to the Chrysalids Essay Assignment:

Thesis and Outline:
Thursday, April 16

Rough Copy:
Wednesday, April 22

Final Copy:
Thursday, April 30

Note that limited class time will be provided for this assignment. Students who are on the Iceland Trip are responsible for submitting their work on time.

The Weekly Update – #AVI3O #ENG1D #NBV3E

Hello, everyone! Here’s hoping you’re returning to class rejuvenated from an extra-long weekend. It’s time to get back to focusing on school as we’re only a week away from the middle of the semester. Time flies. Seriously. Here’s what’s going on in class:

AVI3O Grade 11 Art: Students are well on their way to focusing on Art History. We have covered the Middle Ages and are now beginning the Renaissance. Students are doing a combination of textbook research and studio projects. We will be exploring some more artwork in detail this week. Hopefully this will be followed with a study of sculpture techniques.

ENG1D Grade 9 English: The class should be commended for their work with The Chrysalids novel study. The class has completed their first oral seminar, (discussion key questions and points about the novel as a class rather than simply writing answers), with great success. Students will write a short quiz on novel quotations this week and then begin their culminating literary essay.

NBV3E Grade 11 Aboriginal Beliefs & Values: Seven Grandfather Teachings posters are almost complete and they look great. Students have been putting in strong effort towards these assignments and I’m looking forward to displaying them in the school this week. I will post some pictures!

Thanks again to all of my students for continuing to be awesome. Remember, if you require extra help with work or have questions I am available during the 12:05PM Activity Period. Remember that midterms are fast-approaching so get caught up if you’re missing work!

Thanks – and enjoy your (short!) week.