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Sensational Sphero Fun in #ICS2O

Today was one of those days where everything went right as a teacher experimenting with inquiry. Using a Sphero, I challenged students to code a path around the classroom and eventually around the school. This involved problem-solving, collaboration, trial and error, and patience, but ultimately success. Check out the video:

I’m grateful that students, teachers, and administrators are seeing the awesome results of teaching with technology to build skills in our students. I love this class so much!

The Last (Full) Week Before Christmas in #ENG2D and #ICS2O

‘Twas a few weeks before Christmas, and all through the school…

As of today, there are only seven full days of school left. This is the final full week and we’ll be pushing to accomplish many good things in class before we relax for a few weeks. Things continue to progress well in class as English students get a good grasp of Shakespeare and Computer Science students participate in hands-on learning.

The ENG2D – Grade 10 English class will continue working further into Romeo & Juliet. Most students have been successful in making meaning from the text, connecting themes with our world. Our strategy has been spending most of our time deciphering the text in the early acts and scenes. This will allow us to understand the characters, plots, conflicts, and emotions so that we can focus on the performance aspect of a play later on.

In ICS2O – Grade 10 Computer Science, we spent a few days “tinkering” with some of the tech toys I was provided, including a Makey-MakeyRaspberry Pi 3, and an Arduino board  set. This week, I’d like to finish our HTML/CSS project and then spend more time tinkering – because it’s fun, hands-on, and all that good stuff.

Students are reminded to ensure they follow due dates and deadlines. Here’s hoping everyone has a wonderful week. The (Christmas) light at the end of the tunnel is near!

Shakespeare and Websites and December, Oh My! #ENG2D #ICS2O

There are only two weeks left before we head off for the Christmas Break, (on a Wednesday, which is weird) and in that time, we will be continuing our awesome, hands-on, inquiry-based learning. We will be busy and there is no doubt that the two weeks will absolutely fly on by.

Image result for shakespeare santa hat

In ENG 2D – Grade 10 English, we are beginning Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. For many students, this is the first time experiencing Shakespeare. Though the language can sometimes be challenging, the themes are universal and the stories are entertaining. Our first goal will be to build an understanding of the plot, conflicts, characters, and themes so that we can go through the text and make sure we understand what’s happening. Then, our second goal is to use Shakespeare as it was intended: performing it! We won’t perform the entire play, but we will work on speech, movement, and other dramatic elements.

Here’s a great little introduction to the play if you’re not familiar with it:

In ICS 2O – Grade 10 Computer Science, we are going to continue with website development. Students have been doing a great job building an understanding of HTML and CSS elements as they construct a simple website. Thanks to our friends at, students are able to upload their sites to the web for public viewing. That will be a focus this week. The other focus this week will be on completing the HTML assignment, which is an online store. Our main resource continues to be W3 Schools and their amazing tutorials, cheat sheets, and related information.

If things go well, we should also be in store for a SPECIAL TREAT this week. Stay tuned.

Have a great week!