Hi! Today marks the first day of Spring, the first day back after the March Break, and the day before the first progress report of the semester. There’s much to be done but I’m happy to report that things are going very well in classes.
In ENG3U – Grade 11 English, we are approaching the halfway mark of Frankenstein Chapters 11-16. I’m really happy with the thoughtful, inquisitive discussions we’ve been having about the novel. I’m looking forward to our next class conversation, which will focus on and a narrative told from the perspective of Frankenstein’s monster. We’ve also been making connections between characters, archetypes, symbols and motifs, and themes. We will focus on some creative writing as we head into the middle of the unit.
The ICS2O – Grade 10 Computer Science class has begun their introduction to the Python programming language.
This powerful, open source language is used by major computer companies as well as hobbyists and skilled Python coders are hot commodities in the computer science fields. There are some pretty cool projects that can be made using Python so we’ll see where we go! We are using the following great Python tools:
- CodeCademy – Free Lessons, Tutorials and Quizzes
- Repl.it/Language/Python – Free Online Python Editor
- Reddit Learn Python Thread – Great Place to Ask Questions
I’m looking forward to learning and experimenting with this group of students in Python.
Finally, a note on Progress Reports. The semester’s first Progress Reports will be available on Tuesday, March 21. These reports will give a general indication of each student’s work habits and achievement in the course. Since it’s early and the marks are based on a limited number of assignments, the marks shouldn’t be the focal point. I’m available for any questions or to discuss the progress of a student. A Parents’ Night will be scheduled for early April, so stay tuned!
Thanks again, welcome back, and have a great week!