All posts by wilsonteacher

Only Two More Weeks of Semester One! #NAC2O #ALC1O

It’s true – there are only two more weeks left of the semester. That means it’s time to get cracking, (especially Native Studies students who are missing several assignments) to ensure that you are successful this semester. Here’s a breakdown of what is happening in class for the time that remains:

NAC2O – Grade 10 Native Studies students spent the last week talking about legal issues, including land claims, the development of the Indian Act, and earlier laws like the Royal Proclamation of 1763. There were some notes, (available on the NAC2O – Lessons section of the website) and assignments for this material.

We also watched the film “Six Miles Deep” (available through the National Film Board with a license), which focuses on the role of women in the Caledonia land dispute, and teaches the importance of standing up for what is yours.

This week, students will complete this unit and then be given their Course Culminating Assignment. There is no exam for Native Studies so students will have a total of seven class days to complete this work. Here’s a copy of the tasks:

Download (DOCX, 342KB)

In ALC1O – Grade 9 Art, we did not do printmaking last week. Instead, we focused on developing perspective-drawing skills through various two-point perspective activities. The final assignment, which students will complete in the next two days, has students create a vibrant, interesting city block scene that focuses on various elements and principles of art.


I will include some student samples as soon as I can photograph them!

This week, students will begin the Relief Printmaking project – which will likely be the last studio project of the semester. I’m sad – these students were exceptionally awesome!

Remember to check the Geraldton Composite High School Website for exam information and announcements related to semester two. Also, don’t forget to see me if you need help with any outstanding assignments. Otherwise, have an awesome week! Stay warm!


Three Weeks Left!

There are only three weeks left of the semester. How’s that for insane? In the remaining time, I’m hoping students will make the most of opportunities to catch up on any missing work while completing the remaining content for courses. Students are encouraged to touch base with me to consult on any missing work. Here’s how the last few weeks will likely shape up:


NAC2O Grade 10 Native Studies students will begin the final mini-unit, which explores the successes of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples across Canada in the 21st century. This will be followed with the course culminating project, which asks students to explore “What Next?”

ALC1O Grade 9 Visual Arts students will begin doing soft-cut lino printmaking this week. This is a great hands-on studio assignment and I’m looking forward to the creative ideas these students will come up with in class. I would like to ask the class to help develop a theme for this project, (I’m thinking of “emotions”, but we’ll see what they think).

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments. I hope everyone had a great holiday break. Welcome to 2016!

Great Things in #ALC1O Grade 9 Art

I’m pretty bummed that ALC1O Grade 9 Visual Arts is coming to an end in a matter of four weeks, (not counting the Christmas Break, of course!) because this group of students has risen to the challenges of each assignment and produced some great studio pieces. Here are some examples of the brilliant masks that were created:

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There are some more masks to be displayed but I need a deeper cabinet for them. They’re all awesome!

This week, we are going to begin looking at Woodlands-style Art. I love this style because so many of the artists have a Greenstone connection. Here’s the outline of the work:

As always, I’m looking forward to sharing the progress of the work and the completed assignments.