Midterms in #ENG2D and #ICS2O

It’s already midterm time. Well, close to them, anyway. Teachers at GCHS will be preparing midterm report cards this week and then they are sent to the office for review and preparation before being mailed out. That means students and parents/guardians likely won’t see them for another week or two… but they’re coming!

Here’s a quick update for what’s happening in class:

In ENG2D – Grade 10 English, we have transitioned from Lord of the Flies to a short writing unit, which will focus first on short stories and then on poetry. This is a quick unit that mixes reading/appreciation with writing/creative development. This will be a nice change of pace for students after a novel study and literary essay.

Meanwhile in ICS2O – Grade 10 Computer Studies we are working to complete our introduction to Python. Students have been working very hard solving the ten activities in the unit. It’s been fun working with students in real-world scenarios. Python is a great language because it’s one that is actually used by computer software engineers and programmers. Next up we will talk websites and HTML as well as computer security. Yay!

As always, here’s wishing everyone a wonderful week, (and upcoming weekend). Let me know if there are questions!

November Arrives in #ENG2D and #ICS2O

I’m impressed because it’s the end of October and we don’t have snow in the ground here. I’m sure it’s coming, though. You know what else is coming? Midterms. They’re mere weeks away, which means it is vitally important for students to ensure they are caught up in class, maintaining superior work habits, and participating in class. Most students are doing all of the above and for that, I’m pretty grateful. 

This week in ENG2D – Grade 10 English, we will wrap up our study of Lord of the Flies with some culminating activities including a viewing of the 1990 film adaptation, a literary essay, and a unit test. That’ll keep everyone busy!

In ICS2O – Grade 10 Computer Science, we are continuing our Python coding unit. Students have ten assignments to complete, (some of which involve lots of problem-solving, teamwork, and investigating) and then they will have a good grasp of this powerful programming language. It’s tough, but when it works, it can be rewarding. Students are encouraged to use the many resources (including me!) to help them succeed in this unit. 

The next few months are likely to go by very quickly – and then it will be 2017. Like I said, things are coming very, very fast. If you have questions or comments, please let me know! Have a great week. 

Reading, Writing, and Coding Everyday – in #ENG2D and #ICS2O

Well, by now you’ve likely heard about the Great OSSLT System Crash of 2016. What happened? We aren’t really sure. Will there be replacement practice literacy test? Good question. Unfortunately, those decisions are outside of my hands, but we’re hopeful that the EQAO will be pressured to provide the promised opportunity for students this year. Until then, we’re pressing on.

In ENG2D – Grade 10 English, we will move to end our studying of Lord of the Flies this week. I have grouped the remaining chapters into groups of three, so we’ll focus on Ch. 7-9 on Monday and Tuesday, and Ch. 10-12 on Wednesday and Thursday. We will continue working on student-led questions and discussion to ensure a clear understanding of the novel and the messages within it. Next week, we will work on the unit test and a culminating literary essay about the themes and messages within the novel.

I have provided mark updates to all students, which includes feedback on their participation and work habits. My hope is that students will continue to work on improving both before midterms.

Meanwhile, ICS2O – Grade 10 Computer Science continues to explore coding using Codecademy and Python. Python is the programming language and Codecademy is a great tutorial. Students have been working hard on problem-solving tasks as they work their way through the Codecademy lessons. Does any of this make sense to you?


We will continue exploring Python this week, and students will be assigned some small projects, (such as a tool that creates a grocery list, a tool to calculate the area of a shape, and a Magic 8-Ball). The skills they are learning in this unit are pretty powerful ones that will hopefully open up some doors later in life.

It’s a short week because of Friday’s Professional Activity Day, so make the most of it, and have fun! As always, let me know if there are questions or comments.