Relationships and Colonialism in #NAC2O

In NAC2O – Grade 10 Native Studies, we’ve been doing a mix of things. Over the last week, we’ve focused time on identifying various FNMI groups from across Canada, taking note of how different groups changed depending on where they were located. Next, we’ll start talking about the impacts of First Contact and the move towards Colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries. A wee bit of history! To begin, students will create a timeline by each contributing an important event from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit history. Here’s the assignment:

Download (DOCX, 93KB)

Our partnership with the Thunderbird Friendship Centre continues as the StreetWolf program is delivered. We’ve talked about clans and clan systems and students created rocks representing their clan. They turned out really, really well. Check out the pictures!

A dreamcatcher, representing the connected nature of all things
Bear Clan, represent!
A great collection of stones, painted by NAC2O students

Presenting Printmaking in #ALC1O

Wait, it’s November already? Whaaaat? It’s already almost the halfway point through the semester – and the end of one quarter of another school year. Time flies when you’re having fun… and really, I am having a ton of fun.


Meanwhile, this is the last week for this crop of ALC1O – Grade 9 Art students. Next week they will migrate to drama and I’ll start all over with another group of grade 9 students. We are finishing up our Relief Printmaking unit. Students are absolutely loving it and now that the results are coming through, a few are heading back to the drawing board to make changes. Here are a couple of shots:

Students mix various inks to create vibrant colours for their lino blocks.
The orange print is a proof, where the artist ensures his or her lines are cut deep enough. The student is now experimenting with some red ink on their block.
Sometimes the simple contrast of black on white makes for a stunning print.

I will keep adding pictures as more students complete their work. We only have three days left! Remember, Friday is a PD Day. Students will also be getting midterm reports finalized in the next few weeks. Have a good one!

More Printmaking Awesomeness in #ALC1O

Yesterday, I introduced relief printmaking to the ALC1O – Grade 9 Art class. Right away, students got into the lesson with some really cool and interesting designs. Today, this energy continued. Students finalized their designs and began transferring them to lino blocks:

A student finishes lines on their printmaking design.
A completed line design has been transferred to the lino block using conté as a transfer medium.

Here’s another shot of a transferred image:

Conté is used to transfer the image from paper to lino.
Conté is used to transfer the image from paper to lino.

Students worked really, really well today and I wanted to express my appreciation. Looking forward to seeing the final products!